In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Healds Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HY

01924 462053

St Josephs Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Daily Prayer and Worship

Prayer is central to life in our school. The day begins and ends with a prayer in class. Children participate in various forms of prayer throughout their life in school. Prayer can happen anywhere and should be a true relationship between God and the pupil.

 All our collective worships follow the structure of:

  • Gather
  • Word
  • Respond
  • Mission

Gospel Worship

Each Monday afternoon, pupils gather in their classes for a Gospel Worship using the Mark 10 Mission charity. Pupils engage in the worship provided by the Mark 10 Mission charity linked with the Sunday/s Gospel. Teachers then spend this time with their class discussing that week's Gospel and considering ways in which they can live out that week's mission.

Virtues Collective Worship

On a Tuesday afternoon, the whole school gather in the hall for a collective worship that links with our Virtue of the Month. Pupils have the opportunity to learn more about that virtue, using scripture as a reference and discussing how this can be put into action in their daily lives. For more information about our Virtues please follow the link below:

Our Virtues

Hymn Singing

On a Wednesday, pupils have the opportunity to celebrate our faith through singing hymns of praise and worship. These hymns are linked to the liturgical calendar and pupils will look at these in more detail through this uplifting opportunity of spiritual joy.

Friday Prayer and Celebration

Every Friday morning, we gather as a school to celebrate pupils' achievements. Each celebration has a different curriculum focus but gives us all a chance, as a community to celebrate everyone's talents and successes within school and out of school. Parents are warmly invited to this celebration each week and the parents of the winners of any awards are personally invited.

Pupil - led Prayer and Worship

Pupils will have an additional opportunity to lead prayer and worship within their classrooms. Pupils are able to plan their own worship, which follows the same structure as the whole school worship. Pupils in class choose their own theme linked to the time of the year, what is happening in their classroom or can sometimes be linked to topics studies throughout the curriculum. This worship is planned and delivered by pupils in the class.

Adult - led Prayer and Worship

Adults plan an additional class worship during the week. This is adult led with pupils taking part. The themes for these have been planned by our RE lead and are linked with world events, the liturgical calendar, themed days across school, our Gospel Values and our Virtues.

Our Prayer Booklets

 Please see the prayers that we introduce and learn for each year group as part of supporting the spiritual and moral development of our pupils. As pupils progress through the year groups, they will become increasingly confident in being able to say the prayers, understand their meanings and explain why they are said and why.

Reception Class Prayer Booklet

Year 1 Prayer Booklet

Year 2 Prayer Booklet

Year 3 Prayer Booklet

Year 4 Prayer Booklet

Year 5 Prayer Booklet

Year 6 Prayer Booklet

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