In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Healds Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HY

01924 462053

St Josephs Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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St Joseph's VA Catholic Primary Academy is its own Admission Authority.

The Trust have appointed an Admissions Sub-Committee who meet whenever there are vacancies in the school to consider all applications for the available places.  This includes all Reception and any Junior (Year 3 places) we have each September and also any In-Year requests where we are oversubscribed and have a waiting list.  

There are 2 stages to your application as follows:-

1.  COMPLETE THE KIRKLEES ONLINE FORM before the deadline of 15th January which can be found via this link:- During the process you will be asked to select 3 schools in order of preference.  

Once you have completed your application you will receive a confirmation email from Kirklees Pupil Admissions.  If you do not receive this confirmation please log on and make sure you have completed and confirmed your application.  

2.  COMPLETE A SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORM (below).  Without this the Governors will not be able to award you the relevant criteria according to our Admissions Policy.  

You will be notified on 16th/17th April which school your child has been awarded.  Good luck !

2025-26 Admissions

Children born between Sept 2020 - Aug 2021 (Apply from 1st Sept 2024 - deadline is 15th Jan 2025)

St Josephs Admission Policy 2025-26

St Josephs SIF 2025-26

Kirklees Primary Guide 2025-26

St Josephs Defined Catchment Area.pdf


If you wish to apply for a school place at any time other than the normal start date at school (Reception Class and additional Year 3 places), then you must apply using the In Year Transfer form below. In addition to the Kirklees In Year Transfer application form, the school's Supplementary Information Form must be completed and returned to the school. Please contact school so you can complete the correct SIF form. Both forms should be returned directly to our school.

In Year Admissions Guidance and Form (ICAF)

Kirklees In-Year Admission Guidance & Form.pdf

St Josephs SIF.pdf


If you wish to make an appeal for our school, please fill in the Catholic School Appeal Form (below) and return to:-

Clerk to the Catholic School Appeal Service
Diocese of Leeds
Hinsley Hall
62 Headingley Lane

Please ensure you have read the Privacy Notice for the Diocese of Leeds and understand how your data may be shared. This can be viewed at:

Diocese Appeal Form

Admissions appeal timetable


Ofsted an Parent View